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Tea - Smoked Salmon

Serves 2


  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 500 to 600 g piece of skin on salmon fillet
  • 4 tea bags
image of Tea - Smoked Salmon


  1. De-bone the salmon and rub the brown sugar over the flesh side of the salmon filet.
  2. Line a roasting dish with tin foil, making sure there is a 3 cm over hang.
  3. Open the tea bags and sprinkle the tea on the roasting pan. Spray the rack with oil or butter to stop the salmon sticking. Place rack on top of the tea leaves.
  4. Place salmon skin side down on the rack. Cover the dish tightly with the lid and fold the extra tin foil over the lid to help make a seal.
  5. Place on a high heat on the stove top for 5 mins. There will be lots of smoke. Turn down the heat to low and cook for another 10 mins. Turn the heat off and leave the salmon to sit for 15 mins.
  6. Transfer to a serving dish and allow people to serve themselves or use the fish in a salad. Perfect as a starter or entrée too.
  7. The salmon is delicious to eat with salad, bread and dips.